Ok just to update latest thing that happen in our life. Eh by the way kisah Korea tak habis lagi. Nanti sambung. Stay tune tau. Kali ni nak cerita pasal Dasuki plak.
Few months back, my ex-crew mate Nazreen told me about she wants to send her son to a playskool before starts the real pre-school. Nazreen ajak aku hantar Dasuki ke tempat yang sama jugak. Dua tempat yang die berkenan ialah
Gymboree and
Tumble Tots. Aku tengok2 website tu macam interesting! And classes pun takat 45 mins or 1 hour which is good enough for kids umo macam Dasuki (2 years ++). Sebab kalo lama2 gerenti diorang boring and tak pay attention. Nazreen also ajak pegi trial class. But at that time still lots of things nak buat, so tertangguh lah sementara nak cuba.
So, for the past few weeks, I've been talking about this to hubby. Hubby pun macam setuju nak hantar Dasuki ke playskool. Since Dasuki selalu sorang-sorang kat umah and asyik nak ajak orang main dengan die all the time. Tak reti nak main sorang diri. Kalau main sorang diri pun, after like 10 minutes die dah carik kite balik. Sometimes I only have 1 minute everytime kalau kat laptop sebab die akan selalu tarik tangan aku untuk main dengan die. Or duduk dengan die kat sofa walaupun die actually tengah main dengan iPad or tengok Barney kat DVD. Sometimes terpaksa bawak laptop duduk sebelah die. Kalau masok kitchen, die tarik tangan kite bawak keluar.
Nazreen emailkan aku schedule Gymboree branch Tropicana City Mall. Die actually pun belum gak bawak anak die gi trial class. Die bercadang nak try lepas Raya. So, masa hari si hubby offday which is hari Khamis, kami tiga beranak pon pegi lah Gymboree. Masa tu ada Play Class sedang berlangsung, Level 4 untuk budak-budak umur 16-22mos. Seronok jugak tengok Teacher buat activities dengan diorang. Concept Gymboree ni more on activities and learn at the same time. Sebab bebudak toddler ni memang takleh nak focus so kene buat activities baru diorang interested nak ikut. And setiap 2 minggu ada tema yang berlainan. Susun atur permainan juga akan diubah mengikut tema. So this week ada tema baru which is about dinasour. There are 3 type of classes in Gymboree, Play Class, Music Class and Art Class.
Gymboree @ Tropicana City Mall
Selepas hubby berborak dengan one of the Teacher pasal schedule and fees, kami decided nak bawak Dasuki ke trial class pada hari Isnin 11:15 am - 12:00 pm. Masa ni untuk Level 6, 28 - 36 mos. Dasuki is 28 mos now. Kalau lepas trial class tu terus sign up for the package, trial class fee will be waived.
Since Dasuki takleh join class masa tu sebab untuk Level 4, jadi kami tunggu sampai jam 12. Sebab play area kat situ boleh diguna oleh public jam 12-2 pm sebab takde classes masa tu. So Dasuki pun main sorang-sorang kat dalam ditemani hubby sebab kalau masok kat play area tu kene pakai socks. Only hubby pakai socks and me tak, so aku tengok dari luar je. Huhu. Sambil tu borak2 jugak dengan Teacher kat situ.

On Monday, hubby and me bawak Dasuki to his trial class. This time, aku masuk bersama Dasuki ke play area. Most of the kids were boys and only 2 girls. In the class, Dasuki looked lost. Hahaha...bebudak lain semua boleh dengar cakap Teacher. maybe diorang dah adapt dengan environment and the class kot. Yelah, this thing will take time. Most of the time Dasuki buat hal sendiri, pegi main benda lain while bebudak lain listen to what Teacher says and follow Teacher's instructions. And aku kene bagitau again kat Dasuki apa yang Teacher suruh buat, baru die nak pegi buat. Contoh Teacher suruh collect balls and put in the basket. Maybe Dasuki was not listening so I had to repeat what Teacher said directly to him and did some gestures then only he understands dan buat apa yang disuruh. But sometimes die memang tak mahu join so die pegi buat hal sendiri. Payah jugak everytime kene angkat die kalau die lari to another place and letak die bersama kengkawan yang lain.

Kutip balls adalah favorite die so yang ni definitely die nak join.

Kes lari ke tempat lain.

Sempat lagi suruh papa die take picture!

Climb up!

Slide down!

Another his favorite!

Put the ball in the basket!

Masa ni dah takmau join.

Bebudak lain enjoy!

Teachers and kids were pretending to sleep
Lepas class, we decided to sign up for the package. This is what the package is:
24 Play class + 12 Music class + 12 Arts/Yoga/Sports class
Total of 48 weeks/classes (1 year time)
RM 1980 + Annual Membership Fee RM180(per family)
---Benefit for this package----
- Free membership upon renewal (Means pay RM180 for every 2 years)
- Free 10 Playgym Vouchers
- Free 6 additional classes (Excluding Arts)
- Free Gymboree T-shirt
- Plus RM150 off Birthday at Gymboree
Fees Structure

2011 Class Schedule
So, I was thinking nak masukkan Dasuki ke Play Class dulu, maybe few times (means 1 class in a week) then only try masukkan ke Music class then Art class. In the end he will have 3 classes in a week. Total classes will be 54, sebab tambah dengan free 6 classes tadi kan. Package ni ok jugak sebab flexible. Bukan wajib every week. So kalau balik kampong sebulan ke pun takpe asalkan kene habiskan 54 classes tu in a year. So kene plan schedule die betul-betul.
Sounds interesting? Come join us!